Johannus LiVE

This four year old organ is on consignment from the late organist's estate.  It has a dark oak finish and solid wood core keyboards.  It comes fully loaded with five organ sets: Utrecht, Batz;  Cavaille Colle;  Silberman, Dresden;  Schnitger, Norden; and Hill, Manchester.  The cost includes delivery, warranty, setup and voicing in our major market area. $39,000 A video demonstration of this model is here

By |2024-10-25T16:01:03-04:00October 25th, 2024|Categories: Pre-Owned Organs|Tags: , |

Klann pipe organ console

Perfect for that Hauptwerk project you will start yet never complete.  This beautiful three manual mahogany console has 64 drawknobs and 19 rocker tablets.  It has a robust adjustable bench and a 32 note AGO pedalboard with walnut sharps, as pictured. Can be viewed in our warehouse by appointment.  Delivery and shipping are extra. Please note, this is only an empty pipe organ console.  It [...]

By |2022-07-08T14:52:46-04:00November 8th, 2021|Categories: Pre-Owned Organs|Tags: , |
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